Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The power of integrity

Each of us can gain trust. It just depends on this as to weather we are trusted or not. You build trust with others each time you choose integrity over image, truth over convenience, or honor over personal gain. In other words if you are selfless and don't always think of yourself you will gain trust.

Falling through the hole

There was a time that I have fallen, but then I continued forward. I applied for my schools SLC of which is Student Leadership Council. I had been in my school's JHPSLC for a year and JSLC for two years. So with this behind me as well as several other leadership areas I thought that I would get in. This ended up being wrong. I did my application and it fail. Though at the time I fell I was able to get up and continue forward. It ended up being a good thing because I was still only going to be a Freshmen and had no idea of the difficulties of high school. Thanks to this I was able to get through most of my freshman year with a minimum of a C and only the only one ever on one of my report card. So in this I was saved to focus on school.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Write a new psalm

As I worked in my group our subject was music and the effects of it on our society. We brainstormed different ideas and decided that we wanted others to " Write a new Psalm". To do this they would have to go against the negative messages in the music today. The music of today talks about smoking, drugs, and alcohol. The negative effects of our music actually encourages us to do these things that not only harm us, but those around us. In this PSA we wanted to tell others what there psalm should be for. Each word was about uplifting others and not just yourself. Each of us then had to find information on what is in the songs of today. Most of the group did whatever was asked of them to produce this work. The whole group was helpful in reading through and revising what our message was for and how to best get our point across.