Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Impact from leadership

Book: Leading at School by John C. Maxwell

Why not you. When you ask why me what you should say is why not. I you have an opportunity to lead and are chosen you need to take this in stride. Whether or not you want to you will have to lead. When chosen by God it is not just from your outward self, but from who you are in your heart. You have been given many gifts and attributes. You need to use them.
Paul Muehleisen

Leadership is influence- John maxwell

Leadership is leading. In leading to must have someone following or you will just be on a walk by yourself. Everyone leads wether they want to or not. In reality you lead yourself. When you choose to follow someone you have lead yourself to do this.

The most influential person to this very date is undefinable at the time. The reason for this it the amount of people that influence me. I could say my parents, teachers, or media figures are my most influential leaders. If I was to say this then I would not be saying what is meant behind the drive of me.

By Paul Muehleisen

Monday, February 11, 2013

My personality

I will take a risk if there is a need. I will put myself out and ready for what ever happens.
I have a vision that I will be able to do great things. I see myself as a business owner, Legoland engineer, or even if I work hard enough as a NFL player. The more recent vision is to go to the university of Oklahoma. I plan to learn more of engineering and play football for this amazing school.
I have been a motivator to get things done. I situations where there is no lead or when I know of the subject then I will lead and help lead and motivate others for the common cause.
I am extremely energetic when I am doing something that I love. I will try to help others to enjoy this or at the very least be able to go through with a smile.
I am Paul Muehleisen